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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Public Sauna.. for FREE

Unless you live in a cave, where it's nice and cool and the ambient humidity stays low underground, you probably are well aware that we have enjoyed 2 knockout summer days in a row. Around here, sizzler isn't a restaurant, it's an adjective for the intensity of heat and the humidity that comes with it.

Our local sizzler restaurant closed and became a gym. Ironic.. All those 'fall-off-the-bone ribs', burgers, chicken and other greasy offerings replaced by people wanting to get fit as a result. All this talk of meat.. I'm gonna go throw a steak on the grill.. of my car. I bet that would be a rare occurrence. Pun intended.. (Well done Dan, well done!) 2nd pun. Man.. I crack myself up..

I still think my idea of a combined gym/laundromat would be a hit. Laundry is boring, boring, boring. I usually walk down to the pet store or hang with my friends Don and Cheryl, the laundry owners, while my duds go kathump kathump. Just picture it for a moment. Instead of reading a magazine or watching endless episodes of the Waltons or Little House on the Prairie, you could leap onto a treadmill or elliptical and make.. more dirty laundry. I think it is job security for whoever takes my idea and runs with it.

Anyhow. Enough of that. It has become necessary, for sleeping comfort at least, to run a window insertable cooling device for a couple of hours before bed. My version has a remote control. I can be at full command of my entire domain from the comfort of my couch. Music, entertainment and comfort. Whoever invented the couch is a genius, but I bet he or she never envisioned it becoming a 'home command center'.

Late this afternoon, I had to run for my camera. In the eastern sky, there was the most amazing thunderhead formation growing. Unfortunately it was moving away, denying us of the downpour of rain that we could have run around in. I snapped several pics of the formation and have a couple here for your optical enjoyment. Ok ok.. I might have done a little tweaking on one of them in CS2, but I wanted it to look really angry. The pictures do the scene some justice, but it doesn't really allow the colossal scale to be realized. Think of it as looking out your window and seeing Mt. Everest looming over the pines.. That was how it felt.

Tomorrow evening, as per usual on Fridays, is dinner at my place. Open invitation. Drop me a quick call so I can plan deliciousness. My old friend SJC is coming with Sue and I know Elizabeth is coming. So what are you waiting for? Grab the phone now and come hang with us. You know you want to.


Unknown said...

As usual you never fail to amuse

Vacationland Dan said...

TY buddy.

Inimitable One said...