First, is the monument to Civil War Hero Brevet Major General Joshua Chamberlain, on the Bowdoin College campus. Thanks to the crude humor of some of the Bowdoin students, I have seen the statue dressed up as Santa Claus, and I've seen it donning a bra.
Second is a shot of the beautiful Bowdoin campus pathways. Took me an hour to sweep the grass clippings off the paths.
Third is 2 of the gracious captains houses on Park Row. Gracious? I don't know.. It sounded good..
Fourth is the view of Fort Andross, from across the Androscoggin River in Topsham. Fort Andross is a renovated mill complex that now contains many businesses: restaurants, offices, boutiques, antique stores and a theater venue for live music and other entertainment. A disco would make it perfect.
Fifth is the 1932 Frank J. Wood bridge connecting Topsham and Brunswick. Try bungee jumping off that, and you'll crack your head like a nut.
Finally, sixth is the view of Topsham from the Brunswick side of the same bridge. It shows the old Bowdoin Mill complex, also rejuvenated with many offices and restaurants, including Sea Dog Brewery... Don't ask me how I would know that...
This is all for now, but there are more to come. I need to re-size them and get them uploaded to the site. Enjoy!

No need for postcards with your eye behind the viewfinder.
Wow.. Thanks sir!
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