As promised in my last blog, "a day in the life of Dan" began at 5 am this morning. Throughout the day, until tonight, I somehow managed to take 177 pictures! The picture seen here is only one of them. It'll likely take a couple of days to process and sort them for upload, but it will be amazing, simply amazing. Probably too much information for some, but also hysterical.
Ok, back to the picture seen here.. This morning, after my workout and morning routine was done, I left to go to Portland for my phototherapy treatment at the dermatologist's.
Since Roy and Elizabeth's Mustang was not ready for them to pick up yesterday, I left for my treatment early and stopped by the Ford dealership on my way to Portland to see if it was there yet.. Alas, no car. It hadn't been delivered back from the painters in Lewiston.
Roy was dismayed, yet hopeful when I gave him the news. Always optimistic is he. So on I went to Portland. I re-assured Roy that I would stop by the dealership again on my way home and report back to him what I saw.. Again, no car in sight.. I relayed this to Roy yet again, hopeful that he would hear from the dealership soon.
So I pulled my car onto the highway and headed home. Listening to the radio and enjoying the breeze rustling through my eyebrows, I wasn't paying much attention to anything in particular. About a mile up the highway, something caught my eye in the distance. I am not kidding when I tell you what happened next. 2 big, wide stripes, white in color, on a shiny black car, came closer and closer. I thought to myself, "It can't be. What are the odds of that?" NO KIDDING! As I passed the BLACK mustang with the WHITE stripes I knew. I pulled off the next exit and headed back down Route 1 for the dealership. By the time I got there, there were four or five sales people and service personnel standing around the car. I called ROY. I took pictures with my cellphone and sent them to ROY. ROY was some friggin' relieved.. After giving the poor guy the confirmation he was waiting for, I finally headed home, for real this time..
Within maybe 10 minutes of arriving back home, I get a text message on my phone. "On my way!" was all it said. 15 minutes later, one very happy man with a big, wide, permanent smile on his face, pulled into my parking lot. What a beautiful job the paint shop did. The attention to detail and level of care was so obvious in everything. My bud Matt, nextdoor, who is not easily impressed by cars at all, was blown away. We just spent the next twenty minutes making crazy circles around the car admiring it. I just hope that saliva doesn't ruin fresh paint, 'cause we were drooling all over that baby.
Well, it is still pretty early, but I am gonna call it a day. I'm tired, but want to get up early tomorrow and take pictures of intown Brunswick and Topsham, as you may recall from yesterday's entry. Until then, happy highways all!