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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mom's Day II

It is my mom's birthday today. If you're one of her kids, and you didn't call her today, shame on you. She birthed you and you can't call her? Bah.. Sure she doesn't call you much, if ever, but she should be reminded that you appreciate her giving you a place to incubate. I'm sure it wasn't an easy job. If you've seen my head, you know I caused her pain on my birthday..

May is going as May should be expected. It is rainy and sunny today. It is supposed to get up into the 70s F. I still need to sand and paint my picnic table before any Friday night soirées can start up again. Those are a great way to round out the week. Food, friends and shooting the breeze. Something to look forward to.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mom's Day

Time for the cards, bouquets, breakfasts or brunches. Mom's everywhere will be expecting their kids to pay homage to the giver of life, and rightfully so. Mother's day is this Sunday, and you'd better at least give her a call. Sweetser's are having us all over for a mother's day/birthday party for mom. Mom gets a double dip of party, given that her birthday is a few days before mother's day. I hope there's ice cream.

Roy dropped in on Saturday to wash his mustang. It was raining all day, and I told him so, but he was undaunted by it, saying "this isn't rain in Ireland." I said "but you're not IN Ireland, so this IS rain." He just laughed at me and continued on. Once done, we went to Bath to see Elizabeth, Penny and Chris. Penny and Chris are pulling stakes and moving to Denver, CO in 3 weeks. The small group of us who used to go to South Arm camping every year got together at Gimbels for a send-off party. It wasn't sad or teary at all, and I was glad. I wish they weren't going.

I'm going to see my primary care doctor tomorrow. Something wrong with the lumbar back area of my spine. It's been keeping me up at night now for about two weeks. It shouldn't be anything serious, but it's been preventing me from sleeping more than an hour at a time. When it hits, it's like a spasm and I can't find a position to sleep in that alleviates it. More on that later.

Hope this finds you well. See you soon.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Mayday.. Mayday!!

The snow is gone. Gone also are the dirty, gray piles of salty sand that collect everywhere after a long winter. Things are greening. It's a relief.

I haven't had a lot to say lately. There has been a lot going on, but it is easy to get lost in yourself and shut people out, even the ones who care the most about you. Emotions take me and make things seem worse than they are.

I was hospitalized for a week with cellulitis in my right leg. Most pain I think I have ever endured. The antibiotics killed every thing in my system. Cravings, sense of smell and taste. I haven't smoked in 5 weeks because of it. I was wondering if after I finished my antibiotics, if the cravings would come back or if I would have withdrawals from the cigarettes, but there were none. I am free.

Love you all. I'll be back soon.