Does life grab you? Does it just take you by surprise and run with you without your really knowing where it's taking you? That's been my experience these past few weeks since my last post. Last thing I knew, it was my birthday.. still late spring and everything was so fresh and green. Had some great fun all summer with friends and family and then BAM~! It's the end of September.. I truly don't know how that happens. It isn't amnesia, because I have tons of great photos and memories of what I have been up to. Before you know what's hit you, it's over in a flash and you're shoveling snow again. We all need to face it. Summer is short.

Summer starts mid June and is over, usually, by the beginning to middle of September. Two or three days ago, you wouldn't have thought there would be an end to Summer, but you can feel it in the air now. The sun feels good, but the breeze has a chilling effect instead of a cooling one. Also, I have noted that tons of flies are gathering on the side of the house looking for a place to hide. That's a definite sign of change. The animals and bugs sense change long before we do. I guess I have to put away my patio table and umbrella and wait for next year to have dinner outside. That will be missed.
My open air dining room has been a lot of fun all summer. If you didn't have the opportunity to come for dinner on a Friday night or two, I'm taking reservations for next year starting after Memorial Day. I haven't put the menu together yet. I'll need something to do on those cold winter nights.
Shelley and I are still going to the gym 5 days a week. My
old friend SJC has also joined about 5 weeks ago and is loving it. He's a great addition to the characters that show up every day. If laughter was like cardio exercise, we'd be modeling by now. Since I finally smartened up and made dietary changes, plus started drinking about 5 liters of water every day, I have dropped twelve pounds. I'm a loooong way from where I want to be, but it's a start.